Building on the growing success of the initiative of Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns, it is proud to introduce the Global Game Changers (G.G.C.) subscription plan. G.G.C. is the most cost-rewarding subscription plan in the world for its financial supporters. It is also the fastest in terms of the impact to those who are in need in your local community. And it is accountable in terms of presenting undeniable and superior results! Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns will raise the industry bar to weed out the causes which collect money year after year and then produce poor net results. Unlike all the conventional causes, which offer subscription plans to their financial supporters, the G.G.C. subscription plan was designed to produce bankable and progressive results in a fraction of the time by executing our G.G.C. end game strategy. Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns goal is to assist potential tax recipients to become tax payers where those tax dollars they will save the government can be used to pay for the much needed and deserved care for our veterans who have served North America. How does Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns plan to guide these at-risk youth to become tax payers? Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns will be teaching them how to financially sustain themselves by educating them in finance and then training them on how to use their newly attained knowledge to improve themselves and their community. And the G.G.C. subscription plan even gets better! As a G.G.C. supporter, you can choose to retain Negotiate on Demand for free to handle negotiating your expenses and purchases and then enjoy the savings up to the amount you pay monthly for the G.G.C. subscription plan! Why wait for a tax benefit for up to a year when instead you can get financial discounts on your monthly expenses starting within 60 days?
Now, there are six subscription plans to chose from to join the G.G.C. initiative in order to make your impact:
1) Icon – $100,000.00 or higher plus $10,000.00 per month.
2) Living legend – $25,000.00 plus $500.00 per month.
3) All-star – Silence the Violence and Shun The Guns catalogue plus $250.00 per month.
4) Starter – $300.00 plus $100.00 per month.
5) Supporting role player – $150.00 plus $50.00 per month.
6) Rookie – $75.00 plus $25.00 per month.
7) Prospect – $50.00 plus $10.00 per month.
A gala will be held in Toronto up to twice a year, so you can see and meet (if you so choose) the youth whose future you are impacting. So, what are your waiting for? Click here or talk with one of our branding executives to become one of our newest Global Game Changers starting today!