If you understand economic science and you have the upmost integrity, to fund our ongoing projects, here are your options to start making right the numerous wrongs.:

  1. Learn about our history. How we became the industry leader.
  2. Why we believe in trade, not aid. Using rigged systems will never solve systematic problems. Baseless skepticism of African causes only makes matters worst for everyone. Non participation to make right the ongoing progressive wrongs towards Africans is the highest level of racism.
  3. Buy our products and pay for our services. A minimum $100.00 Canadian annual purchase is recommended.
  4. Become a member. Anything is possible when we take grassroots collective action.
  5. Make a contribution. A minimum $100.00 Canadian annual contribution is recommended.
  6. Weekly crowd lottery funding. Another out of the box strategy.
  7. Sign the petition. Include this action to your ongoing financial sledgehammer approach.

