In today's times, using the increasingly ineffective cart before the horse strategy for decades has resulted in record-high gun violence incidents and economic motivated youth crimes. As we continue to observe several signs that the wealth gap is widening, unless we take grassroots collective action now, there will be more severe, permanent and regrettable consequences. Community safety and progressive economic prosperity are just some of the priorities North Americans will lose if we do not take grassroots collective action now and fail to adequately and consistently fund economic stimulus solutions, that are based on the guiding principles of economic science, for at-risk youth.
Note: If you bought one of our $20.00 Canadian Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns wrist bracelets, wear it facing away from you so that people can read it. To sign the petition to raise more awareness for the reduction of female violence, the link is located at almost the bottom of the webpage. If you bought one of our $10.00 Canadian Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns stickers, an excellent spot to place it for high visibility is on the back of your cellular phone.
Launched in 2010 in the Toronto financial district, our industry-leading anti-youth gangs and illegal gun violence and economic motivated youth crimes organization expanded our presence to Yorkville, upscale areas and beyond. Learn about our history. In addition, for years our social media presence has been stronger than all anti-youth gangs and illegal gun violence organizations and advocates combined, worldwide. An ever-growing long list of industry records, breakthroughs and repeat buyers of our items and services, tells us that we are on the right track.
A minimum $100.00 Canadian annual purchase is recommended. We have numerous items and services for sale to fund our initiative and raise awareness so you will be equipped to join us to take grassroots collective action now.
"It's either grassroots collective action now, by following the guiding principles of economic science, or pay annual tax hikes, increasing cost of living expenses, experience rising crime and violent activity."
We are the canary in the coal mine. For over 10 years, we have been warning the public that these dreaded times would come. Those times have recently started. Break-ins at small businesses have spiked and become more sophisticated.
The community safety threat has become our community safety crisis. And now the level of difficulty to reverse our unsafe community at this point is higher than ever before. Watch this press conference by Ontario premiere Doug Ford. How confident are you of the government to handle our safety crisis? By nature, governments react after alarming upward trends in crime with tough talk and measures that ultimately fail to deliver optimal results. We see these reactions by conservative leaders. Failing to restore safety for our community, will result in irreversible consequences. The only way we will reverse our rising community's safety crisis is when we first take grassroots collective action. now
We can pay to solve this problem for a fraction of a percent on the dollar or we can pay 100 percent on the dollar for an entity that will continue to monetize a growing problem. Bear in mind, our solutions are based on the guiding principles of economic science, the highest level of efficiency and at the lowest cost.
Here in Toronto the police annual operating budget exceeds $1.2 billion, which is our tax dollars, and is rising because the police has stated for years that they can not arrest their way out of our rising youth gangs and illegal gun violence problem. And the response time for any 911 call can exceed 22 minutes. A lot of bad things can happen within 5 minutes. You should be concerned. This fact applies worldwide. So would you rather not take grassroots collective action and allow your future wealth building potential to progressively erode?
Now would you agree that non African people are not taking bold and aggressive steps to heal and restore the greatly damaged African community here in Canada and abroad? Before you answer this question, watch this YouTube video, starting at the 13 minute mark, by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who stated that white people will help, but only so far. That was over 55 years ago. And then see this recent York University report that states for every donated $100, only 7 cents are allocated to Africans.
Has anything changed to make right the wrongs even though it can be done? The report suggests that when it relates to equity, nothing significant has changed because minds has not significantly changed. Our initiative will succeed or fail based on our undercover brothers and sisters who supports this initiative to disrupt, drive downward and ultimately minimize the successful youth gang recruitment strategy. Let us start, in the summer of 2023 and annually thereafter, to exclusively employ at-risk youth by funding our car washing and lawn care service. We are not a charity or non-profit organization. The fact is that charities and non-profit organizations do not create for at-risk youth wealth gap closing employment opportunities, not even employment, so fund this initiative to see a different end result. Will our undercover brothers and sisters, please step forward and take action to accumulate $2.500,000.
The recommended amount to allocate to this initiative is a minimum $100 per year.
Based on the fact that the media has reported several times over the years, the Black community is the most underfunded and undeserved race. As a result, there is a massive financial hole we must fill if we ever stand a chance to reduce youth gangs and illegal gun violence and ultimately get violence under control. This is why we not only advocate tirelessly and design our economic stimulus solutions for underprivileged youth empowerment, but we also advocate for the reduction of violence against females and the LGBTQ community. In our opinion, the legal and law abiding gun owner community has been the Canadian government's primary scapegoat for illegal gun violence. A successful disarming of legal firearms from this community will have virtually no impact to reduce our rising gun violence problem. After years, 2019, of speaking out for the legal and law abiding gun owner community, they must greatly increase their grassroots collective action now or we will have no other alternative but to cease our efforts with no advanced warning and focus on our core priorities.
There has been always financial neglect, but we concluded prior to launching Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns based our studies in order to successfully address this growing public safety threat it can only be reversed on a grassroots level, (meaning adequate and ongoing public financial engagement). Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns crafts the lowest cost and most effective solutions based on the guiding principles of economic science and funding it by using social enterprise. All other conceivable solutions has been exhausted repeatedly, for decades, and time is running out. At some point if this growing public safety threat isn't reigned in, illegal gun violence will get so far out of reach, it will not be able to be reversed. Our objective is to solve this problem ultimately financially independently not prolong this problem financially dependently. Here are your options.:
- Buy our items. A minimum $100 annual purchase is recommended.
- Mass distribute our wrist bracelets. (See below that reads "Join us to mass...".)
- Take grassroots collective action now.
- Become a member.
- Make a contribution at PayPal.
- Crowd lottery funding.
Delay of launching our car washing and lawn care service...
Delay of launching our car washing and lawn care service...
Possible delay of launching our car washing and lawn care service...
The 2023 call for grassroots collective action now
BREAKING NEWS: November 15, 2022, 8:00 p.m. E.S.T.
We want this inaugural, at-risk youth-only car washing service to launch with such a presence, that charities, non-profits and youth organizations will contact us before we contact them to recruit and employ at-risk youth, aged 10 to 12, who will be paid a minimum of $20.00 per hour.
In addition, these at-risk youth will be taught to master economic science so they will know how to close the wealth gap for themselves so as to establish two major and impenetrable barriers between them and gang members who will try to recruit them.
Reduced gang recruiting will result in a measurable reduction in the at-risk youth-to-gang ratio. And best of all, with their new-found success, at-risk youth, who can financially protect and empower themselves, will encourage their peers to get employed by the Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns WAY (Wealth-building for At-risk Youth).
Instead of running the risk of another at-risk youth arming him/herself with an illegal firearm to solve their poverty problem, join this historic initiative and take grassroots collective action now with other concerned groups and individuals so we can guide them to close their wealth gap problem by providing wealth-gap-closing employment opportunities as well as arming them with economic and financial knowledge.
For over 12 years, we have demonstrated that we fully understand, can skillfully follow and successfully execute the guiding principles of economic science in some of the top, exclusive areas in North America, starting in the Toronto financial district, Yorkville and other upscale areas.
Gang recruitment must be disrupted and minimized and that is what this initiative was designed to do: to steer at-risk youth away from regrettable, and most times irreversible life decisions. Our objective is to provide closure to at-risk youth-to-gang recruitment with a proven solution for at-risk youth to close the wealth gap starting with instant, high-paying employment, and mentoring at-risk youth on the guiding principles of economic science. (We nearly launched our car washing service at a lower scale in the late summer of 2022, but after the lifting of the pandemic restrictions and with unstable and cooling weather conditions, there was not enough runway to get it off the ground.)
Our first of a number of wealth gap-closing employment opportunities are designed to counteract the successful gang-recruitment strategy. It is crucial that we recruit and employ at-risk youth before gang members continue to recruit and employ at-risk youth. We plan to make our employment experience for at-risk youth so spectacular that at-risk youth will be excited to report to work at every possible opportunity.
This is why we need you to continue either buying our wrist bracelets for mass distribution here, or contribute here so that we can continue to buy the necessary equipment and supplies. See here. Or, to avoid the 3% GoFundMe fee, you can contribute by PayPal here, call our customer service direct order line to arrange an equivalent-priced purchase over the phone, or use e-transfer directed to our e-mail address (located at the bottom of our webpages). It won't be inexpensive to realize our vision, but it will be well worth it. Join us and take grassroots collective action now and make history again.
See the progress bar below to determine which level we can launch our car washing service for spring 2025.:
Basic - 25%
Good - 50%
Impressive - 75%
Over the top - 100%
The goal is to launch an over the top car washing service. The higher the level of sales, will result in the launching of a higher level car washing service. If it happens we launch at the basic level, we can ramp up to the over the top level after the revenues roll in.
At a yet-to-be-confirmed location, our car washing service will be available* to try out as many times as you choose, but we will be accepting at-home bookings for only the Rosedale and surrounding areas. Then we will methodically roll out our car washing and lawn care service for at-home bookings to the rest of the G.T.A. and then beyond.
* We reserve the right to refuse serving and/or selling to anyone, for any reason.
To secure an at-home booking, you must have all the equipment and supplies available for the at-risk youth to complete the work. The minimum price for each visit will be $100.00 which will include:
- $50.00 for your automobile to be hand washed, windows cleaned and interiors vacuumed by our highly-trained, motivated and hard-working at-risk youth.
- And a $50.00 purchase of some of the items from our ever-growing and popular product and service line.
For the ultimate experience and to maximize positive energy for both our at-risk youth and our customers/supporters, there will be a DJ, vendors, food trucks and a dining/seating area, a boxing ring with equipment and it would be un-Canadian if we did not designate an area for street hockey and the equipment.
We plan to start with at least five at-risk youths, and as the at-home bookings increase, scale upward to 10,000. And, there will be an uniformed and plain clothes police and security presence onsite at all times. By going with the Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns WAY, saving only one at-risk youth is not enough – this initiative was designed to save thousands of at-risk youth.
Yet to be confirmed. June 18, 2023 - After calls and/or e-mails from the founder that went unanswered by all but one shopping centre, Michael Wekerle stated he will reach out. We can launch at the basic level, 24 hours after confirmation of the location.
Size - 150 x 100 to 150 square feet
HOURS OF OPERATION (Weather permitting)**
Official launch date -- Monday, June 1, 2025, 4:30 p.m. E.S.T..
June -- Sundays and Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and E.S.T. and Monday to Friday, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. E.S.T..
July and August -- Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. E.S.T..
September and October -- Sundays and Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and E.S.T. and Monday to Friday, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. E.S.T..
** To confirm if we are open today, check the colour of the traffic light:
Red -- closed
Yellow -- open but for non-car washing purposes***
Green -- open

*** On rainy days, we may be only open for customers to reserve future car washing and product and service sales. Our goal is to be open every day.
Note: Lineups start a minimum of 30 minutes in advance of start times.
Go to events.
Since 2010, our numerous historic breakthroughs were achieved (See our year end remarks here.) by following the guiding principles of economic science. Our growing number of partners agree with our ideology, a self sustainable economic strategy by using a proven social enterprise module. In other words, we believe in trade, not aid to effectively counteract our rising youth gangs and illegal gun violence problem. The item to be purchased by our partners, from us, for mass distribution, is our Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns' wrist bracelet. Our partners will resell each wrist bracelet at the same price purchased from us to their customers/clients netting basically a zero expenditure. As of June 21, 2022, after over 10 years of building the necessary foundation, the proceeds will be allocated to creating as many wealth gap closing employment opportunities possible, exclusively for at-risk youth. See the historic announcement here. No other anti-youth gangs or advocate on the planet has created or are talking about employing at-risk youth by themselves that pays enough to close the wealth gap or any employment. We strongly suggest that the general public patronizes only the organizations that partners with us.
Here's an endorsement from Michael Wekerle who is a Bay Street legend, former Dragon's Den TV star and owner of the El Mocambo. A historic multimillion-dollar announcement is coming soon!
June 22, 2022, 12:01 a.m.
Yesterday was a historic announcement of the never-before wealth gap closing employment opportunities exclusively for at-risk youth, starting with lawn care and car washing services. Read about the launch here.
Watch our historic announcement in Rosedale park outlining the rollout of wealth gap closing employment opportunities, starting with lawn care and car washing services here.
Learn about the details below:
Before the official launch, we need to get enough bookings in order to keep each at-risk youth busy full time. This means we calculated that every increment of 50 bookings will employ one at-risk youth. The at-risk youth must be vetted so we will be recruiting them from established and reputable charities, non-profit, and disadvantaged youth organizations whereby they already have an established relationship and understanding of the at-risk youth. The above-mentioned youth organizations will decide which at-risk youth would be the best candidates saving us time to try to determine who would be the best candidates. The youth organizations will be paid in advance so they will be administrating the scheduling, the completion of the work, and pay to the at-risk youth. We will focus on the bookings and then assign the work to the youth organizations. But before that takes place, we first must secure the bookings, a minimum 50 × $1,100 for the year, then we will contact the youth organizations, followed by our official launch at Rosedale park and could include Mayor John Tory, former Dragon's Den TV star Michael Wekerle, the legal and law-abiding gun owner community, women's abuse agencies, the LGBTQ community, and the media. We have been advocating for these communities for years. Hopefully, we can do a live news conference. The Rosedale community, the surrounding community, and the general public are welcome to attend the official launch. In order to send to the viewers a strong message that we are on an united front and that the residents of Rosedale understands the challenges we are confronting and truly care, we would like all those who attend the official launch to wear our standard Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns t-shirt or whichever t-shirt that represents their community. We have or can order the applicable t-shirts which can be viewed below under the heading "Products and services" and social media accounts. The estimated time between the minimum required number of 50 secured bookings at $1,100 each and the official launch would take place in under 7 days. The bookings must be in Rosedale or in the surrounding area, for now. You can book with us by phoning 647-606-3519 with a major credit card in hand or by e-transfer using [email protected]. Here's the webpage to learn more.: They are interchangeable. For example: Week 1, the customer selects car washing and then week 2, the customer selects lawn care.
April 4, 2022, 12:01 a.m.
It took over 10 years in preparation to achieve the most effective response in history for the reduction of youth gangs and illegal gun violence. Finally, the time has come. The guiding principles of economic science and social enterprise explains how we got to this historic point. We understand that we are in a war. And we are at a crisis level. Fortunately, our years of foundation building ensures we will be able to make solid steps forward with no funding disruptions or shortfalls. For us to reverse a crisis, only bold and consistent measures are called for. Only people who has an acute sense of hearing will take adequate and collective action to see this initiative to fruition. There is no past war in history when anyone has prevailed unfunded beforehand no matter how many recruits they gathered and relied on significant funding from outside entities. Furthermore, soldiers who are economically uneducated, economically unskilled, economically untrained who makes decisions based purely on emotion perishes on the battlefield. No. No war has ever been won when these critical shortfalls exist. For to enter the battlefield with that mindset, will be nothing more than a suicide mission. This self sustainable economic strategy stands the best chance for victory by strategically executing an economic powerplay and those who can master adequate economic liberties, stands the best chances for victory. See here. We believe we stand the best chances because we believe in trade opposed to aid and we believe the time is finally here to take this final step now that the economy is opening back up after over 2 years. We've been preparing for a counteractive response by air, sea and land and have been patiently waiting to execute once the covid-19 pandemic restrictions eased. When it pertains to our advocacy work since 2011, we engaged with the public starting in upscale areas, built the strongest social media presence ever, recently scaled up to the masses during a global covid-19 pandemic and our social media presence continues to rise, added more products and introduced new services. This final step, before execution, will entail the determination of who are friends of the Black community and who are phonies. It has been reported for years by the media that the Black community, by far, is the most underfunded and underserved communities. The Black community plays by "the white supremacists' rules and laws" but they come out losing every time. The hundreds of years of economic terrorism against the Black community must stop. Predators and phonies do not support locally based, operated and 100% controlled Black based causes and they certainly do not participate in solving problems that white supremacists create to oppress, terrorize and traumatize the Black community. We will guide you every step of the way to validate yourself with the Black community. We, the Black community, requires allies who are fundraisers raising $1,500 every year, or make a minimum $1,500 purchase of our items every year or volunteer every year for the equivalent and in return, we will launch never before wealth gap closing employment opportunities, exclusively for at-risk youth. We designed a very simple and virtually effortless fundraising strategy that will take a fraction of our growing fundraisers time to execute. Our fundraisers will be distributing our very popular Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns wrist bracelets. Millions of wrist bracelets needs to be distributed in order to achieve our fundraising goal. Every person needs to be asked to buy a wrist bracelet so we will know where we stand. And those who are friends of the Black community will be published on our website. Black people, trust only these people. Giving non Black people the benefit of the doubt or no fact based evidence will never resolve the problems that Blacks face every day. The acts of white supremacy must be put behind us. Based on our advocacy interactions over the 10 plus years, we project that less than 3% of non Black people are our true allies and will answer the call. Let's hope that our project is far too low. No one in their right mind would go to war without confirming who's committed to going to war with them. This step must be done if we ever stand a chance to reduce youth gangs and illegal gun violence. So which side of history will you be on?
May 31, 2021, 12:01 a.m.
Our overall sales from our ever growing product line and February 2021's announcement of our line up of new services continues to grow even during the covid-19 pandemic. Our growing base of supporters, who are mainly located in the Toronto financial district, upscale areas and beyond, continues to be very loyal to our initiative since we introduced it in 2011. One of our ongoing objectives, as we execute the final step, step 6, is to offer one of our economic stimulus solutions by creating employment opportunities, employing disadvantaged and at-risk youth in order to keep them preoccupied/distracted, which is our first and foremost objective, earn an adequate income at a minimum of $20 to $25 per hour and teach, support and guide them on how to master closing their wealth gap problem so they can become ambassadors in order to encourage others in their community to replicate their success. So if someone asks you to buy our items ("I'm selling these wrist bracelets for $20 each to reduce youth gangs and gun violence. Can you buy at least one and wear it? I did."), now you know where the proceeds have been and are being allocated to. When you buy our items, you are indirectly employing disadvantaged and at-risk youth because someone you engage with could book with us, for example, our labour related lawn care, book here, and/or car washing services, book here, a historic wealth gap closing power move for at-risk youth which will be launched as early as spring 2022, or another of our growing services. You can book our services right now located close to the bottom of this webpage.
From time to time, we run into and/or knock on residential doors to discover one of our base of supporters, who are mainly located in the Toronto financial district and upscale areas, who continues to buy our items as far back as 2011 and are now booking our new services but strangely they have never nor are asking what progress we have made since they regularly saw us in the Toronto financial district almost two years ago. They should be asking us what progress we have made and we encourage them to ask us and any other organization they support. You can learn what we have accomplished by going to our YouTube channel here, our year end remarks since 2017 can be found here and you can learn what we have left to go here. And we have a service for the super rich most will not be able to resist.
How much longer do too many people continue with an insanity mindset instead of quickly changing course and adopting a collective and proven common sense approach to reduce anti-Black racism and youth gangs and gun violence? And what is the cost of not abandoning the insanity mindset? Two completely preventable crises. Anti-Black racism and youth gangs and gun violence is at an all time high in 2020 while there are too many people out there who believes that the insanity approach is the solution to reduce it. We are running out of time to make accurate and collective decisions to reduce anti-Black racism and youth gangs and gun violence. For decades, the solutions that too many people have employed, does not accurately counteract our current challenges and for the rest of us who knows better, that fact is alarming. For decades, we are losing the fight to reduce anti-Black racism and youth gangs and gun violence. So what do we do? How do we appeal to these misguided people? There are always a price to pay when the wrong decisions are made.
1) A never before worldwide anti-Black racism pandemic.
2) Gun violence at a level like never before.
Do you take the appropriate action or do you have no history of regularly and equally supporting local and fully controlled Black based causes and make racist excuses why you will not? The fact is that it has been known since colonizers set foot outside of their land of origin, the Black community has and still is the most underfunded and underserved of all other communities. Gun violence is a result of racist actions by engaging in social and economic exclusion, violence which elevates to murders by bad police officers and recently, nooses are being found at construction job sites. Boycotting competent local Black based causes, that are controlled by Blacks and produces a history of progressive results to address these growing problems are one of the most popular examples of racism. Do you know why major corporations and governments are quickly speaking up for their support of the Black community, making historic donations and providing all kinds of assistance? Because they get it. What about you? Who really are you when it relates to race relations? Are you mathematically fair and reasonable? Can you be trusted to do what is right? Are you our ally? The walls of anti-Black racism needs to be removed if you ever want to gain trust with the Black community. The us against them mentality is no longer tolerated even by non Blacks. It's time to start getting along. We must eradicate anti-Black racism and urban poverty because it has for centuries and still is murdering innocent people for the financial gain of others. The practice of racism is only done by predators. The fact is, predators never treats their prey fairly. And finally, proclaiming that you have a Black friend or in a romantic relationship with a Black person but have no history of generously financially supporting a local Black based cause(s) or you think you do not need to generously financially support a local Black based cause(s) is unacceptable. People are not buying that behavior. So for all those closet racists who uses Black people to cover up their racist mindset, we are teaching Blacks to identity the wolves in sheep's clothing because our team encounters them every day. It is way overdue to identify the wolves, expose them and distance ourselves from them. If reading these facts has made you feel uncomfortable, keep in mind that Black lives matter are on record, several times, stating a lot more stronger statements and facts. We need to face the problems and then take the appropriate action to solve them. The good news is that these problems we face every day are solvable.
You can buy our popular items, located at the bottom of this webpage, or you can make a reasonable donation. The Black community is the most underfunded and underserved of all races but yet, every non Black person claims they have one Black friend or in a relationship with one. An equal and regular contribution that you religiously contribute to your cause(s) of choice is required to begin closure to youth gangs and gun violence, urban poverty and anti-Black racism. The economic deficit must be paid first in order to validate that "all lives matter".
"Gun violence in Toronto and its surrounding areas is at a never before crisis level in the summer of 2020 and we are now on dangerous ground."
Patronize our community allies that are standing with Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns as we work together to reduce urban poverty and youth gangs and gun violence and anti-Black racism.
We need to incite, keep the conversation going and take decisive action if we ever hope to reduce escalating youth gangs and gun violence. Ask any police officer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and he or she will tell you that there is an average of six shootings every day. The media only has enough time to report on the shootings people would find most important. What must be understood by all is that “youth gangs and illegal gun violence effects everyone”. A society where equality in all areas of life must be established, vigorously protected, and maintained. And then we must commit to allocating the proportionate amount of ongoing money and resources to bring those left behind up to par with society; those who have experienced generations of systematic social and economic exclusion in our local community. “Social and economic exclusion leads to poverty and poverty leads to avoidable crimes.” A lifetime of living in bankruptcy, particularly specific races in our local community, is nothing less than inhumane. It is high time that we take peaceful and appropriate action for equality by leveling out the social and economic playing field so that everyone who chooses to live, at the very least, a decent life without any barriers, can do so. Everyone in our local community deserves a fair shot at a fulfilling life. We must recognize that there are races of people in our local community who are systematically left behind even now, even after hundreds of years. How can we honestly say that we are friends with them if we are not taking the appropriate and proportionate action to make right these wrongs?
On May 25, 2020, yet another Black person was a victim of death by the hands of the police. That person was George Floyd but this time, the world had seen with their eyes his murder. The world had enough. And ever since, there has been daily worldwide protests and demands for the dismantling of the police system, dismantling of white supremacy, the removal of racist statues and more. This reaction to a murder of a Black person is different because this time, very wealthy people, major corporations and professional sports organizations has issued statements making it clear they stand with the Black community and that they stand with Back lives matter. But since the murder of George Floyd, the murder of mainly Black males by mainly the police still continues and there are Black males who were hung from trees and lynched across the U.SA. still continues. And what about the numerous murders by the police that was never captured on camera ever since white supremacists laid their eyes on Africans? We have been advocating for equal rights since 2010, well before Black lives matter was even thought of. Times has certainly changed. We have started to form alliances with individuals and organizations and we would urge you to support these organizations that are standing against anti-Black racism. We have just one question, where were these organizations before? Patronize our anti-Black racism allies and buy our wrist bracelets to fund the creation of 10,000 more wealth gap closing employment opportunities for at-risk youth and the communities they live in in order to close the wealth gap and reduce youth gangs and gun violence and urban poverty.
We are legal and law abiding gun owner friendly. We are not anti-gun, we are anti-gun violence. Fair and reasonable. Common sense approach. A root cause solution organization. Join us to set the record straight and guide the public to focus on reducing youth gangs, gun and related violence and illegal gun ownership. See here. And find out why a growing number of legal and law abiding gun owners are on board and have been regularly buying Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns' items for years to support this initiative. See here.
SOLUTION TO REDUCE YOUTH GANGS AND GUN VIOLENCE: Education and mentorship. Here's a YouTube video that was produced and published on August 15, 2023 called the "The rise of the Canadian scapegoats".
HOW TO FUND THE SOLUTION: Regularly purchase any of the over 100 items from the growing product line.
Join the growing movement by purchasing Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns themed t-shirts for “Anti-violence t-shirt Fridays”. Join a growing number of supporters who wear Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns t-shirts every Friday. Arm yourself with these tools and others, and then make your voice continually heard beyond your tragedy, demonstration, or march to increase the collective action for real change. See the t-shirts and some of the over 100 other items below and the rest, on Facebook in the shop and photos section. View the items by clicking here.
About the two images on this webpage: The founder and his team were nearby “Taste of the Danforth” 2018 where Toronto mayor John Tory stopped by to thank him and his organization, Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns, and on many occasions in the past, for their advocacy efforts. Every time he sees the team, he stops by to thank them and at least one of those times they were on live T.V.. They have been in conversations for years, mainly by text message. There are 15 local based at-risk youth gangs and anti-gun violence organizations and mayor John Tory has only done photo ops with Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns. He knows that Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns is number one, by far, for several reasons.
Judge for yourself. See:
NOTE: Pay special attention to 2019.
- 2017's year end remarks here.
- 2018's year end remarks here.
- 2019's year end remarks here.
- 2020's year end remarks here.
- 2021's year end remarks here.
It should be noted that the founder and the mayor does not agree on all matters concerning youth gangs and gun violence. They both agree that there is a growing gun violence problem and there must be a dramatic reduction of youth gangs and gun violence. They are not on the same page when it relates to all the effective solutions on how to reduce the growing violence problem. See our growing portfolio of endorsements by the rich, powerful and famous here.
Liberal Member of Parliament for Spadina, Adam Vaughn 2019.
Currently there is a 20% youth unemployment rate. Impoverished areas experience postal code racism where employers blacklist youth living in targeted areas. Are you willing to make a reasonable purchase of these items to help fund the creating youth jobs campaign? Buy here!
We are positioning Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns to dominate in marginalized areas with our economic stimulus solutions to reduce youth gangs and gun violence. Now watch as Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns takes a chunk out of the youth unemployment rate, starting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
If you think there should be no concern for rising gangs and gun violence, you should watch this video where Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale, states $327 million will be allocated to combat the problem. A spike in gun and gang violence in Canada has experts worried. Read here. “More efforts needed to prevent young people from turning to gangs, say police.” Read here. CP24 reported on TV after the summit in Ottawa that the upward swing in gangs and gun violence activity is “disturbing.” Read a related CP24 article here. CBC, read here. Globe and Mail, read here. Watch the Ottawa guns and gang violence submit held on Monday, March 7, 2018 here.
The massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018 can happen again and again anywhere on this planet where guns are accessible by criminals and people who apparently have mental health issues. So why can't a mass murder take place in Canada, too? You may say, “That's not possible.”. The most recent mass shooting was at Sainte-Foy Mosque on January 29, 2017 in Quebec, Canada. And prior to that incident, a seventeen-year-old male shot up a home and school in northern Saskatchewan on January 25, 2016. We must take proactive steps in order to reduce these tragedies from occurring again.
Other organizations have been, and are, stating that we must invest in prevention and our youth. See here.
March 20, 2018 - Ontario police lay charges in five investigations into social media threats. See here.
March 24, 2018 - For those who say there is no gun violence in the G.T.A., just try to tell that to the approximately 600 people who braved the cold and marched from Nathan Phillips Square to Queen's Park today as marches, demonstrations and benefit concerts are being held all around the world. See here.
With the announcement in December 2018 by the Ontario Ford government to discontinue the $25 million per year funding for after school programs and for all practical purposes, the elimination of the anti-racism directorate, a standalone initiative that was put in place to eliminate systemic racism in government polices, decisions and systems and the elimination of free tuition in January 2019 for low-income students, the chances for an increase in homicides over the record homicides in 2018 is likely. In addition, the pipeline to jails will widen. Who will these changes effect the most? The Black community. The same Black community that premier Doug Ford stated who loves him and he loves the Black community. Did he consider these facts before he decided to make these changes? Does he really care? His solution to reduce youth gangs and gun violence is to ramp up the funding for the police budget. How about investing in the underprivileged communities to reduce the rise of youth gangs and gun violence? A growing number of the public has been voicing on T.V. that the G.T.A. is not safe. Politicians, the police and specialists in the field are no longer saying that the G.T.A. is safe. This year, we launched the annual year ahead prediction campaign to collect intelligence starting from our base of supporters located mainly in the Toronto financial district, upscale areas and then beyond. IT'S TIME FOR US TO RING THE WARNING BELL!
Published on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 9:45 PM EST
In 2019, Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns created a historic over 1,000 "wealth gap closing employment opportunities" for at-risk youth and the underprivileged communities they live in as this poverty disruption and community empowerment organization prepares to complete the final foundation building step, which is step 6. Learn about the 5 steps that were taken to build the foundation here. Read about the year end remarks for 2019 here. And learn how at least 10,000 more "wealth gap closing employment opportunities" will be created starting in 2020 here. The official launch date for this fundraising campaign is Monday, January 20, 2020. once step 6 is complete, Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns will proceed to execute its initiative, fully self funded. It will be an unprecedented achievement.
There are over 100 unique items to buy from the ever-growing product line. Since 2010, Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns’ primary concern has been the illegal gun activity and owners who are responsible for the escalating gun violence. The illegal gun activity and ownership makes life tougher for legal and law-abiding gun owners. Historically, legal gun owners have never been the problem for the escalating gun violence. Buyers of Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns items include legal gun owners who are hunters and collectors. Can you ever recall a news story where a legal gun owner was responsible for a mass shooting? Click here to read about the purpose for the current generation of the money. Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns has recently become the # 1 initiative, by far, in North America (and possibly the world) striving to reduce youth gangs and gun violence. Read here. And this fact is true because people, from all walks of life, have placed their ongoing trust and growing financial support in the vision and guidance of Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns since 2010. One of the reasons that Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns is the leading initiative for reducing youth gangs and gun violence, is that social and economic equality must be sought for everyone. If there is going to be a conversation and action taken to reduce gun violence, all those who are effected must be acknowledged and there must be a call for action. The solution designed by Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns is one that can be implemented anywhere in the world, starting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. History is in the making!